How Do I Setup SpamAssassin?
Once you have installed the proper SpamAssassin package,
you must enable the filter. To do this, go to the "SpamAssassin"
section of your Control Panel. From there, select "On"
and click the "Apply" button. Your SpamAssassin
filter has now been enabled with the following default settings:
- Filter Sensitivity is set to 6
- Spam Reports are placed in the body of suspected spam
- HTML emails that are flagged for spam are automatically
converted to plain-text
You may alter these and other settings at any time through
the SpamAssassin Control Panel.
Step 1.
Set your filter sensitivity. Sensitivity ranges from 2 to
12. This value refers to the minimum score required for an
email to be flagged as spam. Therefore, the lower this number,
the more sensitive your filter becomes. Initially, you should
select a setting somewhere in the middle (5-8). If you recieve
a large amount of spam emails, you should make your filter
slightly more sensitive (closer to 5), while if you only recive
a few spams, you should set your sensitivity closer to 7 or
8. It is a good idea to frequently adjust your filter sensitivity
until you find the perfect fit.
Step 2.
Immediately create you White List. This White List contains
the email addresses and domain names that you are expecting
to recieve legitimate emails from. When an address is placed
on your White List, SpamAssassin automatically forwards it
to your inbox without attempting to filter it. It is a good
idea to place important addresses and contacts here. You should
also White List any mailing lists, newsletters, or other bulk
correspondence that you plan to recieve as these can easily
be mistaken for spam.
Step 3.
Create some message rules with your Email Client. SpamAssassin
will never delete any of the emails it recieves. It simply
places an easy to recognize "*****SPAM*****" flag
in the subject line of suspicious emails and forwards them
to your email client. It is not reccommended that you immediately
delete these flagged emails, especially when you have just
setup your spam filter. Instead, create a message rule that
looks for the "*****SPAM*****" flag in the subject
line of incoming emails and forwards these emails to a "Spam
Trap" folder. Be sure to check your "Spam Trap"
folder occasionally to ensure that some legitimate emails
aren't being accidentally filtered.
If you find that a number of legitimate emails are being
mistaken for spam, you may want to reduce your filter's sensitivity
level. If you notice that a number of spam emails are making
it through to your inbox, then increasing your filter's sensitivity
should help.
Once you have completed these steps, SpamAssassin will effectively
filter at least 95% of the spam emails sent to your domain.
Other settings in the Control Panel allow you to customize
where SpamAssassin places its reports, enable and disable
HTML conversion, and create rules for your White and Black